Topic 9: Education Aid and the Global Security Agenda-2


Over the last two decades, security agendas have increasingly encroached on the field of international development and education. Expanding on broader debates on the merging of security and development, this topic examines the ways in which education programmes, funding and priorities have been drawn into counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism logics and practices, reflecting on both the continuities and disjunctures of these practices and their colonial legacies.

This topic looks at the following questions:

  • How and in what ways does education come 'under attack' in times of conflict, crisis and authoritarianism? 

  • What is the relationship between security and development?
  • What are the risks of merging security and development in the education sector in conflict-affected states?


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Education and countering violent extremism: Western logics from south to north
Citation: Novelli, M. (2017). Education & Countering Violent Extremism: Western Logics from South to North. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.

Implementing ‘Prevent’ in countering violent extremism in the UK: a left realist critique
Citation: Abbas, T. (2018). Implementing ‘Prevent’ in countering violent extremism in the UK: a leftrealist critique. Critical Social Policy. 

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Bagoyoko, N. and Gibert, M.V. (2009) The linkage between security, governance and development: The European Union in Africa, Journal of Development Studies, 45(5), 789-814.

Bradbury, M. (1995) Aid under fire: redefining relief and development assistance in unstable situations, Wilton Park Paper, London, HMSO,104.

Brigety, R. E. (2008) Humanity as a weapon of war: Sustainable security and the role of the U.S. military, Washington Centre for American Progress.

Brown, K. and Tirnauer, J. (2009) Trends in U.S. Foreign assistance over the past decade. USAID.

Christian Aid (2004) The Politics of poverty: Aid in the new Cold War, Christian Aid, 57.

DFID (2005) Fighting Poverty to build a safer world: A strategy for security and development, UK’s Department for International Development (DfID), London: DfID.

Duffield, M. (1997) NGO relief in war zones: towards an analysis of the new aid paradigm, Third World Quarterly, 18, 527-542.

Duffield, M.  (2001) Global Governance and the New Wars: the Merging of development and security, London: Zed Books.

Duffield, M. (2001a) Governing the borderlands: Decoding the power of aid, Disasters, 25(4), 308-320.

Duffield, M. (2007) Development, security and unending war:  Governing the world of peoples. Cambridge: Polity.

Duffield, M. (2008) Global civil war: The non-insured, international containment and post-interventionary society, Journal of Refugee Studies, 21(2), 145-165.

Duffield, M. (2010) The liberal way of development and the development-security impasse: Exploring the global life-chance divide. Security Dialogue, 41(1), 53-76.

Easterly, W. & Freschi, L. (2010) Worst in aid: The grand prize, Aid Watch.

English, R. (2010) Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan, Terrorism and Political Violence, 22(1), 120-124.

Gregory, D. (2008) The rush to the intimate” - Counterinsurgency and the cultural turn.  Radical Philosophy, (150), 8-23.

Groneman, C. (2011) Study on Field-based Programmatic Measures to Protest Education from Attack. New York: Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack.

Hayden, T. (2009) Kilcullen's Long War An influential Pentagon strategist plans a fifty-year counterinsurgency campaign. Nation, 289(14), 22-24.

Human Rights Watch (2006). Lessons in Terror: Attacks on Education in Afghanistan. Washington. 18.

ICG (2002) Pakistan, Madrasas, Extremism and the Military. Islamabad/Brussels: International Crisis Group.

Kaldor, M. (1999) New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era. Cambridge, Polity Press.

Lopes-Cardozo, T. M. &. Novelli, M. (2010) The Netherlands aid to education in conflict-affected countries. Background paper prepared for the EFA Global Monitoring Report 2011.

Lopez, A. M. (2010) The New Counterinsurgency Era: Transforming the US Military for Modern Wars. Political Science Quarterly, 125(2), 347-348.

McClure, K. R. (2009) Madrasas and Pakistan's education agenda: Western media misrepresentation and policy recommendations. International Journal of Educational Development, 29(4), 334-341.

Mezran, K. (2009) Counterinsurgency and the Global War on Terror: Military Culture and Irregular War. Globalizations, 6(1), 164-166.

Miller, D. & mills, T. (2010) Counterinsurgency and terror expertise: the integration of social scientists into the war effort. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 23(2), 203-221.

OECD/DAC (2012) Resource Flows to Fragile and Conflict-Affected States: Annual Report 2012. Paris: OECD.

Patrick, S. and Brown, K. (2007) The Pentagon and Global Development: Making Sense of the DoD’s Expanding Role, Centre for Global Development, Working Paper Number 131

Roberts, A. (2000) Humanitarian issues and agencies as triggers for international military action. International Review of the Red Cross, 673-698.

Slim, H. (1996) Military Humanitarianism and the New Peacekeeping: An Agenda for Peace?  IDS Bulletin, 27.

Stoddard, A., Harmer, A., et al. (2006) Providing aid in insecure environments: trends in policy and operations, Overseas Development Institute, Humanitarian Policy Group Report, (23), 1-66.

Stoddard, A., Harmer, A., et al.  (2009) Providing aid in insecure environments: 2009 Update Trends in violence against aid workers and the operational response. HPG Policy Brief, 34.

Torrente, N. (2004) Humanitarian action under attack: Reflections on the Iraq war, Harvard Human Rights Journal, 17, 1-29.